1965–1967: The Goyan Chairship
Jere E. Goyan, 1960
In 1965, Jere E. Goyan, PhD, became chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Research doctoral degree (PhD) faculty members in the during Goyan's chairship included Sidney Riegelman, PhD; Donald L. Sorby, PhD; Berton E. Ballard, PhD; Kwan-Hau Lee, PhD; T. Werner Schwarz, PhD; Thomas N. Tozer, PhD; Walter Singer, PhD; Jerome A. Reinstein, PhD; and Donald C. Brodie, PhD.
Other members of the department included those associated with the Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory under the direction of Robert D. Gibson, PharmD, emeritus associate dean and UCSF associate vice chancellor. Among these were Vincent Blake, PharmD, and UCSF Medical Center-affiliated members of the Department of Pharmaceutical Services who were also School of Pharmacy faculty members, such as chief pharmacist Eric Owyang, RPh, and Charles E. Jackson, PharmD.
When the Division of Clinical Pharmacy was formed in the School in 1973, clinical faculty members who were formerly part of the Department of Pharmacy became part of the new division. Notable among these were Robert L. Day, PharmD, emeritus associate dean (primarily responsible for teaching the basic pharmacy practice courses in the department until 1998); Richard P. Penna, PharmD (also responsible for teaching the basic pharmacy practice courses); and Vincent R. Gardner, MS, RPh (full-time instructor of pharmacy administration).
Donald Sorby, 1972
Thomas Tozer, 1972
Walter Singer, 1950
Eric Owyang, 1960
Richard Penna, 1958
Vince Gardner and son, 1966