Program description

The UCSF-Genentech Clinical Development Fellowship Program partners two leaders in academia and biotechnology to provide an immersive, innovative, mentored, two-year experience that combines academic clinical investigation with pharmaceutical industry training for PharmDs in their early postdoctoral years. The objective of this program is to better prepare pharmacists to properly conduct clinical trials, perform safety surveillance and risk management, develop research methodologies, and manage scientific and ethical issues in research and drug development.

Fellows will work with research and clinical faculty at UCSF, a world-renowned teaching institution that focuses on the health sciences. They will participate in clinical research, patient care, learn via interdisciplinary didactics, and present and publish results of scholarly work.

In partnership with Genentech, a leading biotechnology company in serious or life-threatening medical conditions, fellows will gain experience in clinical development and build core competencies in clinical and safety sciences that will prepare them for an exciting career in the biotechnology​​/​​pharmaceutical industry.

Genentech training (~3-4 days/week)

  • Immersion in safety science (50%) and clinical science (50%)

  • Attendance at oncology-focused professional conferences

UCSF training (~1-2 days/week)

  • Mentored experience in clinical investigational drug services, with preceptorship responsibilities in the second year of fellowship

  • Formal training in designing clinical research and the responsible conduct of research

  • Attendance at weekly seminars on principles of clinical pharmacology, collaborative, basic, and clinical research, or special topics in oncology

  • Educating pharmacy students in small group facilitation, large group didactics, and OSCE examinations

Other program features and details

  • Individualized training plan and multiple mentors to support you through your fellowship

  • Leadership and skills development workshops alongside other Genentech fellows, UCSF fellows, and UCSF pharmacy residents

Training and licensure requirements

  • PharmDs are encouraged to obtain California licensure as soon as possible after graduation, but no later than October 1 of their first year of fellowship in order to fully provide clinical services

  • While residency training is not required to apply to this program, post-graduate training and experiences will be considered when candidates are reviewed


  • The program is currently accepting applications and following the timeline below. Please note that the availability of the position for 2025-27 may be subject to change pending ongoing discussions. We will email all applicants with an update as soon as it becomes available. In the meantime, please email Trang Trinh ([email protected]) with any questions about the fellowship.


July 1, 2024 Application filing period opens
October 1, 2024 Application filing period closes
Oct-Nov 2024 Applications reviewed and interviews conducted
Nov-Dec 2024 Applicants notified
July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2027 Fellowship period

How to apply

Interested applicants must complete the UCSF School of Pharmacy’s Centralized Fellowship Application Form, which will allow you to submit one application for multiple UCSF School of Pharmacy fellowship programs:

Apply now

Please be prepared to:

  1. Enter your personal information using the application link above.
  2. Provide the requested information for three letter writers using the application link above. Letter writers must submit their Letters of Recommendation by 10/15/2024.  
  3. Upload a PDF of your Statement of Interest (1000 word max).
  4. Upload a PDF of your CV (5 pages max).
  5. Upload a single PDF of your professional/graduate school transcripts (unofficial transcripts are acceptable).
  6. Optional: Submit up two scientific writing samples (e.g., peer-reviewed publications). Applicant should indicate their role in the samples provided (i.e., primary drafter or other role). Publications are intended to gauge the research and writing capability of applicants.

Learn more

Attend one of our fellowship webinars to:

  • Learn more about our fellowship opportunities.
  • Hear answers to common questions.
  • Connect with current and former fellows.



Leslie Carstensen Floren, PharmD, PhD, MA

Associate Dean of Fellowships

Professor of Clinical Pharmacy

Department of Clinical Pharmacy

UCSF School of Pharmacy

[email protected]

Trang D. Trinh, PharmD, MPH

Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy

Medication Outcomes Center

Department of Clinical Pharmacy

UCSF School of Pharmacy

[email protected]


Brian Simmons, PharmD, MS


[email protected]

Cathy Littman, PharmD


[email protected]

Image credits: Floren: © Majed