Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry

MALDI reservation calendar

Calendar link

Instrument details

AXIMA Performance MS

This is a walk-up instrument is located on the 4th floor of CVRI and is free for use by the UCSF community. Frequent users are asked to donate consumables and purchase their own MALDI target.

Interested in getting trained?

Please fill out the form

Trained user links

Trained user access [send email to Hyunil Jo ([email protected]) with your name, PI name, and time slot]
We are renewing the list of the users, so if you want to be enrolled in the list, please email Hyunil Jo ([email protected])

Instrument funded by

Enabling Technologies Advisory Committee (ETAC)
Cardiovascular Research Institute
Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases
And the following UCSF labs: Agard, Craik, Fujimori, Gartner, Gestwicki, Julius, Jura, Minor, Wang