Exciting Winter-Spring Quarter in the DeGrado Lab
We've had a busy winter and spring. This is a quick update of the lab fun, science adventures, and research highlights since then.
Lab hang-outs
Bill and Lili on Administrator Appreciation Day 2019, also DGL Waffle Wednesday.
Mid-day break for birthday pastries
Another DGL birthday celebration
Francis Arnold, 2019 Nobel winner visits UCSF & DeGrado Lab
Bill headlines International Peptide Society meeting in Kyoto + Lab hang-outs abroad
Bill giving his keynote lecture near Kyoto University.
We also published a bunch of exciting articles!
Here are a few highlights:
Membrane protein design
Mravic et al 2019, Science.
"Packing of apolar side chains enables accurate design of highly stable membrane proteins" in Science. (2019) 363(6434):1418-23.
Peptide chemistry
Sequence specific peptide bond cleavage induced by nickle.
"SNAC-tag for sequence-specific chemical protein cleavage" in Nature Methods. (2019) 16(4):319-322. Led by DGL post-doc Bobo Dang.
Molecular tools for neuroscience
Custom infrared probe for amyloid fiber formation
"Glutamine side chain 13C= 18O as a non-perturbative IR probe of amyloid fibril hydration and assembly" in JACS. (2019). Led by DGL post-doc Haifan Wu and in collaboration with UCSF Sali lab.