Optional Half-day Course
The content of this website reflects the course as run in February 2024. This course will be next offered, with some modifications, in 2026. Sign up to be notified of our 2026 course.
Introduction to Population Pharmacokinetics
Half-Day Course
A pharmacokinetic population model. Once established, models such as this can enable individualization of drug therapy for a specific patient to be more finely focused.
Population Pharmacokinetics is the study of sources of variability in drug disposition and effects. It seeks to characterize quantitatively both the distribution of pharmacokinetic behaviors (and drug effects) throughout a population of subjects, and the separate contributions to that distribution by component subpopulations (see adjacent figure). It is an area of strong research interest, it is common practice in drug development, and it is often used in comprehensive PK/PD modeling, particularly to support simulations of future trials. This course will introduce participants to the concepts and important applications, provide an understanding of the components of population PK, and allow simple calculations that reinforce the concepts. It will also introduce participants to NONMEM® (Icon®), a widely used program for population PK. Due to time constraints, the latter aspect will be strictly didactic and NOT hands-on. (Instructor: Nancy Sambol)
Logistics for this optional course
These courses will be held on the afternoon of February 23, 2024 immediately after the Pharmacokinetics for Pharmaceutical Scientists course concludes. The registration fee is $600 and includes the syllabus and a boxed lunch. Enrollment is limited and no on-site registration is available.
Cancellations and refunds
UCSF reserves the right to cancel, alter or reschedule the course for any reason, including determination at its sole discretion that the course cannot be held as planned. UCSF also reserves the right to close registration when maximum capacity is reached. Thus, registrants are advised against making non-refundable travel arrangements. Should any party make non-refundable hotel reservation(s) and/or purchase non-refundable airline, train, and/or other transit bookings, that party does so at its own risk. UCSF is not responsible for any travel or other costs incurred due to a cancellation, except for the registration-fee cost and such strictly only as provided below:
- Should UCSF cancel or reschedule the course for any reason, or should UCSF determine for any reason that your enrollment would exceed maximum capacity, your full registration fee will be refunded or, at your option, be converted to a credit towards the rescheduled course or towards this course in a later year.
- In respect of all other cancellations:
- For those received in writing at [email protected] on or before January 21, 2024, the fee (less, as administrative expenses, $100 per canceled enrollee for optional half-day course) will be returned; but
- there shall be no refund on cancellations made after January 22, 2024.