Studying structure and dynamics in proteins, RNA, and small molecules
Bruker Avance III HD 400
- 400 MHz, 2-channel spectrometer with Z-gradient and equipped for gradient shimming
- Standard probe: 5mm BBFO Z-gradient SmartProbe with Automatic Tune and Match
- 1H, direct- and indirect-detection (HSQC, HMBC, etc.) of heteronuclei
Probes and accessories
- 5mm BBFO Z-gradient SmartProbe
- Broad-band (15N to 31P) with improved 1H performance and 19F
- ATM (Automatic Tune and Match)
- CentOS Linux workstation running TopSpin 3.5pl2
- Oxford 400 MHz actively-shielded magnet
- Avance III HD nanobay console with 2 RF channels
- Z-gradient amplifier
- 2H-TX board
- BCU pre-conditioner (temperatures down to 0 °C)
- UCSF400
- Beginner
- Advanced