Studying structure and dynamics in proteins, RNA, and small molecules
Bruker Avance I 800
- 800 MHz, 4-channel spectrometer with triple-axis gradients, lock-switch for deuterium decoupling and ultra-shielded US2 magnet
- 16-slot SE Lite sample changer
- Standard probe: 5mm triple-resonance Z-gradient TXI-Cryoprobe
Probes and accessories
- 5mm TXI Z-Grad Cryoprobe
- 5mm TXI Z-Gradient Triple Resonance Probe
- CentOS Linux Workstation running TopSpin 2.1pl8
- Bruker 800 MHz US2 magnet
- 4 RF channels
- XYZ-gradient amplifier
- Lock-Switch
- SE Lite-16 sample changer
- BCU-05 pre-conditioner (temperatures down to 4 °C)