Student Technology Assistant Resources (STAR)

Student Technology Assistant Resources (STAR) is an educational technology resource program of the Integrated Core Team (ICT) that supports our academic mission by identifying and hiring student pharmacists to provide technology help primarily in their own classes.

The program identifies two members of each PharmD class to participate. We call these participants STARs.

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Program benefits

  • Faculty members and guest speakers receive timely help in the classroom.
  • STARs:
    • earn a wage for their work
    • form closer relationships with instructors
    • provide a valuable service to their peers
    • further develop technology troubleshooting skills
    • gain experience with new technologies.
  • Downtime cause by technology issues or technology skill levels related is reduced or eliminated.
  • Valuable learning time is maximized, facilitating teaching and learning processes.

What do STARs do?

Each STAR attends the required courses for his or her class and helps the faculty member ensure that all technology equipment is working as expected. Any needed training is provided by Educational Technology Services (ETS) and the Integrated Core Team (ICT).

Example 1

A lecturer may have a laptop or USB drive. STARs help connect and configure these devices to work as expected, often in tandem with in-room technology such as projectors.

Example 2

A faculty member wants to use technology to perform live polling. STARs help them set up and use the technology.

Interested in being a STAR?

Application window opens Each summer
Minimum commitment One academic year

For more details, contact us.