Presentation Templates
The following templates enable you to build a presentation that visually represents the UCSF School of Pharmacy identity. They support the School brand as well as the UCSF identity and brand.
Not affiliated with the School of Pharmacy? See Presentation.
UCSF MyAccess credentials are required to download. Templates might not preview correctly when viewed in the web browser. Download and open in your desktop application for best results.
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Screen presentation templates
Each of the following templates includes usage tips and more.
Scientific poster presentation templates
These templates are available in two styles: #betterposter and traditional. The #betterposter style championed by @mikemorrison rethinks the purpose and design of scientific posters.
Each #betterposter template includes five color choices. Not familiar with #betterposter? See To Save The Science Poster, Researchers Want To Kill It And Start Over and More #betterposter links.
Each traditional template contains five slides:
- Slide 1 is for only PharmD students.
- Slide 2 is for only those affiliated with the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
- Slide 3 is for only those affiliated with the Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences.
- Slide 4 is for only those affiliated with the Department of Clinical Pharmacy.
- Slide 5 is for only faculty and staff when representing the School of Pharmacy Dean’s Office.
Note: the thumbnails below are not shown to scale relative to each other.
Related links
- Microsoft PowerPoint can now help you practice presentations almost anywhere — no humans required
- Other UCSF presentation templates: Presentation.