
This site describes how to obtain letterhead for use by employees in School of Pharmacy departments and units.

Not in School of Pharmacy? See Correspondence. For questions or urgent requests, contact [email protected] or 415-502-2740.

On this page

To request professionally printed (paper) letterhead

Order it from Documents & Media at Stationery. Printed letterhead results will look slightly different than the digital letterhead mentioned below.

To request digital letterhead suitable for printing to PDF or to your local printing device

  • For letterhead that represents your department or unit:
    Contact your chief administrative officer (CAO) or the head of your unit. If you are the CAO or you are or represent the head of your unit, submit your request to Website and Communications Support.
  • For letterhead that represents you:
    Submit your request to Website and Communications Support.

When you submit your request to Website and Communications Support, a designer in the Office of Communications gathers the information for your letterhead and works with you iteratively to draft a letterhead for your needs. The final letterhead is delivered to you as a Microsoft Word template.

Digital letterhead results will look slightly different than the professionally printed (paper) letterhead mentioned above.

Why use our letterhead process?

  1. Errors are common when people create or edit their own letterhead. We double-check everything.

  2. We know what formats to use. e.g., is our phone number style 415/555-5555 or 415.555.5555 or something else?

  3. We combine and format street and mailing addresses to be as concise as possible but still acceptable by UCSF Logistics and all other mail carriers.

  4. We work with you to customize your letterhead exactly to your needs.

  5. You can introduce doubt if correspondence from multiple persons at UCSF look different (e.g., by creating your own letterhead or using outdated letterhead).

Using your new letterhead

  • The template might include lorem ipsum or other placeholder text. Simply replace this text with your letter.

  • The logos and their sizes and placement are specified by University Relations and may not be altered.

  • Your contact info should not be altered in order to ensure consistency in style. Should your contact info change, let us know the changes at Website and Communications Support and we’ll send you a new letterhead template.

  • To use the letterhead, double-click the .dotx file to open a new, untitled copy.

  • When saving the new document, select the checkbox to maintain compatibility with previous versions of Microsoft Word. If you don’t, some misalignment of text blocks might occur. If this happens, start again using the original template you were provided.

  • Windows users: Avoid right-clicking the .dotx file and selecting Open from the popup menu that appears. This edits the template, which you usually don’t want to do.


Contact us.

More info

Letterhead and letterhead guidelines are administered by University Relations: see Correspondence.