Richard Stacewicz

Richard is a 63-year-old male who has been living with CKD since he was 24 years old. During the past almost forty years, he's had two kidney transplants (one cadaveric transplant which lasted 10 years and a living related kidney that lasted 25) and has been on dialysis twice in the past and has been on home-hemodialysis for the past two years. He is also a recently retired professor of history, have been living with his partner Ann for 41 years, and they have two children, ages 28 and 24. They have been living in Chicago, Illinois since 1983 and have a small cabin in northern Michigan which they escape to at various times during the year. They also enjoy travel and have been able to visit numerous places across the globe. In fact, they had just returned from a two-month road trip throughout the southwest of the United States in early April. Doing home hemodialysis has allowed them to continue to explore our passion for travel.

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