Check for Holds

Check your admission status for holds that may have been placed against your registration by logging in to the Student Portal.

About the AD/PHARM hold

One hold called "AD/PHARM" remains in effect until the Office of Student Affairs finishes the verification process required to change your status from Provisional Admit to Final Admit. This verification process begins in March and extends through June.

This hold will not jeopardize your admission status, but you may be prevented from registering until it is cleared. Our office cannot release this hold until you have been granted Final Admit status. We cannot complete the verification process for Final Admit status until after we have received all transcripts, etc. that have been requested in your Prerequisite Status Update letters.  In the spring, you will receive specific instructions about how to register. This hold will not affect your ability to enroll in classes—all first year students are guaranteed a place in required courses.

Go to: Info for Entering Students