Co-Curricular Program

The PharmD Co-Curricular Program is designed to help you make the most of the opportunities for personal and professional growth as a UCSF PharmD student.

The Accreditation Council for Pharmaceutical Education recognizes that what students do and learn outside the formal curriculum can be essential in developing the skills, experience, and knowledge to make you a team-ready and practice-ready pharmacist. Through the co-curricular program, you will participate in an array of activities based on your interests, experiences, and goals.

Learning-focused, student-centered, and intentional, the PharmD Co-Curricular Program encompasses six domains of learning. You are encouraged to engage in activities that support you in:

  • identifying career and professional plans.
  • developing balance and resilience.
  • enhancing your interpersonal and communication skills.
  • engaging you in topics for lifelong learning.
  • gaining experience as a leader and team member in group settings and initiatives.

With an emphasis of quality over quantity, collaborative achievement, professional service and stewardship, and personal responsibility, this program is designed with your experience and future as a team- and practice-ready pharmacist at its core.

Career Planning & Development

These programs and activities assist students in the conscious planning and development of their pharmacy career. Activities provide insight for students to reflect upon the direction of their future career path and how to approach their career planning.

Collaboration & Teams

These programs and activities engage students in learning effective collaboration techniques to achieve shared goals and foster awareness and development of an individual’s contributions in a team setting. Activities include conflict management, goal setting, and people management.

Personal Development & Wellness

These programs and activities assist students in exploring and establishing an ongoing process of promoting balance in one’s personal and professional life.

Cultural Understanding

These programs and activities assist students in the effective delivery of health care services that meet social, cultural, and linguistic needs of patients through cultural competency and understanding.

Community Outreach & Service

These programs and activities engage students in the community to promote health and the safe and effective use of medications. Additionally, they help bring awareness to the roles and contributions of a pharmacist and provide experience and insight related to patient care.

Professional Skills & Networking

These programs and activities assist students in developing professional skills that will help them excel in their career. Activities may include CV or interview workshops, round-table events, or networking events which provide opportunities for professional exchange.

Each year you will work towards completing a co-curricular requirement based on your year in the program. This requirement is designed to both encourage you to experience a broad array of opportunities and help you determine your plans and expectations after graduation.

You will be able to track your progress and identify activities of interest through a personalized page in our learning management system. With a variety of activities ranging from cultural lunch talks, community service experiences, career related panels and presentations, health fairs, networking events, skill building sessions, and much more, the program provides a means for you to document, reflect, and plan a well-rounded UCSF experience.

Current students work in conjunction with the Office of Student Affairs to develop, implement and strengthen the program. Questions? Email us at [email protected].