Graduation Verification Letters

The Office of Student Affairs can issue letters verifying your graduation only after all of your final grades have been submitted. If you need such a letter for an employer, request the letter and ensure that your final grades are reported.

Request the letter

Send an e-mail to the Office of Student Affairs ([email protected]) requesting a graduation verification letter. Specify:

  1. To whom the letter should be addressed.
  2. Where it should be sent.
  3. The state in which you are applying for licensure (e.g., California).

Ensure final grades are reported

  1. Complete all of your graduation requirements—including submission of final projects and reports.
  2. Complete all evaluations and upload your final project to E*Value.
  3. If you find outstanding grades or any other discrepancies on your transcript, contact:

    • Your program director for APPEs or projects.
    • The Office of Student Affairs ([email protected]) for core and elective courses.

Official graduation dates for 2024

If you graduate in…

Your official graduation date is…

Spring 2024 May 16, 2024
Summer 2024 July 2, 2024

The block calendar and the campus calendar which specifies graduation dates are not in sync. (See Academic Calendars.) The last day of rotations will not coincide with your official graduation date.

Go to: Info for Graduating Students