Academic Standing, Academic Notice, and Dismissal Policy
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The purpose of this policy is to outline the criteria that constitutes good academic standing, the criteria under which a student may be placed on academic notice and the criteria that leads to a review of a student’s academic record for consideration of dismissal. The Committee on Academic Standards and the Sub-Committee on Student Progress oversees implementation of this policy.
Good Academic Standing
A student who meets the following criteria is considered to be in good academic standing:
student has received grades of P in all required courses completed; and
student has a maximum of one Y grade in required courses; and
student demonstrates behavior consistent with School of Pharmacy Professionalism guidelines (student has not received Professionalism Concerns Report resulting in referral to Subcommittee on Student Progress or Committee on Academic Standards)
Students in good academic standing may continue to progress through the curriculum without conditions.
Good Academic Standing with Academic Notice
A student may be placed on academic notice if, at any stage in the curriculum, the student meets the following criteria:
student has received one NP grade in a required course; or
student has received two Y grades in a required course; or
student has received 3 or more PCRs, or 2 or more PCRs during IPPEs or APPEs, or a PCR of a serious nature that has been referred to the Sub-Committee on Student Progress for review, or who fails to engage in remediation for documented unprofessional behavior.
Students on academic notice are eligible to continue in the didactic curriculum and are considered to be in good academic standing. A student on academic notice may progress to and/or participate in IPPEs and APPEs as set forth in the conditions established by the Sub-Committee on Student Progress. Any student with an NP grade in a required course on their transcript prior to APPEs must repeat the course and receive a passing grade prior to commencing any APPE.
The Sub-Committee on Student Progress will outline the conditions for the student’s continuance in the program (including timelines) and the criteria for removing a student from academic notice. The conditions set forth by the committee are intended to assist the student in remedying the identified areas of concern through remediation, advising and support services. Academic notice will remain in effect until removed by the definitive action of the Sub-Committee on Student Progress.
More info about academic notice is provided below.
Not in Good Academic Standing with Academic Notice/Eligible for Dismissal
A student who meets any of the following criteria is not in good academic standing and on academic notice. The student may be referred to the Committee on Academic Standards for review up to and including dismissal from the PharmD program:
student has received two or more NP grades in required courses; or
student has received three or more Y grades in required courses; or
student demonstrates a continued pattern of documented unprofessional behavior despite attempts at remediation; or
student has not met the conditions associated with academic notice as outlined by the Sub-Committee on Student Progress; or
student has been on academic notice three out of four consecutively enrolled quarters; or
student has not completed all requirements for the Doctor of Pharmacy degree within 4 years of the date he/she entered as a 1st-year student, with the exclusion of approved leaves of absence.
A student who is not in good academic standing and is eligible for dismissal is precluded from participating in IPPEs and APPEs.
The Committee for Academic Standards will review a student’s progress in a manner consistent with the UCSF Academic Senate Bylaws Appendix VII: 4.0 Step 2: In-Depth Review and Dismissal Action.
Academic Notice
Academic notice is a period during which a student is provided the opportunity to improve performance that does not meet standards. Students placed on academic notice are notified that their continuance in the PharmD program is contingent upon improved future performance. Academic notice is removed when the student demonstrates satisfactory completion of all coursework with passing grades and satisfactory fulfillment of all conditions set forth for the student by the Sub-Committee on Student Progress and/or the Committee on Academic Standards.
Students on academic notice are under increased supervision of the faculty through conditions imposed to support improved performance in the areas identified as well as overall performance in future coursework. Conditions, which specify timeframes to completion, may include but are not limited to:
Ongoing meetings with and/or reporting to faculty and advisors regarding academic performance
Specification of the method by which course requirements are to be satisfied
Determination of the sequence of courses or examinations to be taken or retaken including instructions to repeat portions of the curriculum
Referral to school and/or campus student academic affairs resources for assistance and support (e.g. tutoring, learning resources)
Leaves of absence
Restricted enrollment in elective courses
Preclusion of participation in leadership roles and co-curricular activities
Corrective actions and conduct necessary to meet standards of professionalism.
In most cases, academic notice is removed after the conditions have been met satisfactorily as determined by the Sub-Committee on Student Progress and/or Committee on Academic Standards (e.g. successful completion of or repetition of specific coursework; demonstration of professional behavior over a period of time without additional PCRs). The Sub-Committee on Student Progress and/or Committee on Academic Standards may extend the period of academic notice when it determines that extended academic notice is necessary to ensure the student will meet academic standards.
Students will be notified in writing via email when placed on or removed from academic notice.
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