Requirements for Participation in Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences


The purpose of this policy is to specify the expectations and requirements for students in order to begin their advanced pharmacy practice experiences in the PharmD curriculum.


Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE): Experiences within a variety of practice settings designed to enhance and refine student performance in pharmacy practice and direct patient care and to expose students to a variety of career pathways.


APPEs are a required element to the PharmD curriculum. All students must complete a minimum of 7 APPEs prior to graduation—four required APPEs (comprised of ambulatory care, inpatient general medicine, hospital/health-system pharmacy and community pharmacy) and three electives (whereby a minimum of two elective APPEs are completed in direct-patient care settings).


Prior to starting APPE

  • Students must have achieved a PASS in all required core didactic coursework (which includes all core theme, skills and inquiry courses through spring quarter of the second year) and IPPE coursework.
  • Students must be in good academic standing.
  • Students must have successfully completed all specified milestone assessments, including the Pharmacy Curricular Outcome Assessment (PCOA) examination.*
  • Students must complete all APPE site onboarding documentation and training required by the specified deadline.

In order to continue to advance through APPE coursework

  • Students must complete all APPE site onboarding documentation and training required by the specified deadline.
  • Students must be in good academic standing.
  • A student with a status of good academic standing with probation may progress to and/or participate in an APPE as set forth in the conditions established by the Sub-Committee on Student Progress.

*The PCOA examination requirement is waived for the Class of 2022 only due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Approved by CEPC 1/28/19; revised 8/26/20; revised 10/6/20.