Probation & Dismissal Policies
All students in the School are subject to the following regulations governing probation and dismissal.
A student shall be placed on probation if, at the close of any quarter, his/her grade-point average is less than 2.0 (a C average) computed on the total of all final letter grades, except P or NP, received in core courses taken in the School of Pharmacy. If final grades are delayed in transmission to the faculty, disqualification may be postponed for 1 quarter.
A student may be placed on academic probation for unprofessional behavior as documented in a Professionalism Concerns Report (PCR). A student who receives 3 or more PCRs, 2 or more PCRs during IPPEs or APPEs or a PCR of a serious nature, or who fails to engage in remediation for documented unprofessional behavior may be placed on probation upon review by the Committee on Student Status & Honors. The student will be required to meet with the Dean or designee in order to define the criteria for remediating the unprofessional behavior.
A student placed on probation is subject to supervision by the faculty of the School of Pharmacy and his/her study list and course of study will be determined by the Office of the Associate Dean.
A student shall be subject to dismissal if he/she:
- fails to maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average in core courses during 3 out of 4 consecutive quarters, or
- fails to receive a grade equivalent to C or higher in at least 6 units of core courses during any quarter, or
- receives a total of 6 or more units of grade F or NP in core courses,
- has not completed all requirements for the Doctor of Pharmacy degree within 5 years of the date he/she entered as a 1st-year student, with the exclusion of mandated leaves of absence or
- demonstrates a continued pattern of documented unprofessional behavior despite attempts at remediation.
At the discretion of the faculty, a student subject to dismissal may be:
- permitted to remain in attendance,
- dismissed with stated provisions for returning, or
- dismissed.
If a grade of NP, Y, or I in a course required for graduation is not removed within the time limitations described, the student is subject to academic probation or dismissal.
With respect to professional disqualification, and in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations of the School of Pharmacy, when the behavior of a student is judged by competent authorities using established procedures, to be detrimental to the interests of the University community, or incompatible/inconsistent with the profession of pharmacy that person is subject to dismissal from the School.
Approved by the School of Pharmacy Faculty June 8, 2001; revised February 2011.
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