
Every successful website relies on people to provide ongoing maintenance of the words, images, videos, and other info within it. You might be responsible for a few, or dozens, or hundreds of pages. Some pages are changed frequently whereas some need to be changed only once a year or less. So how do you keep track of what needs to be done when?

A process for web maintenance

Set up owners, liaisons, frequencies, and dates

Nearly every page in your website:

  • Can be assigned one or more owners and one or more liaisons.

    • The owner is the subject-matter expert who is the canonical source of needed information and the authority on the accuracy and completeness of the page. This person does not have to be a trained site editor.

    • The liaison provides help and guidance to owners, edits pages, and contacts the School of Pharmacy Office of Communications when questions or problems arise.

  • Can be assigned a review/update frequency ranging between 1 month and 24 months.

  • Can optionally be assigned a specific date for review/update.

  • Has a last reviewed date and a next review date.

Email reminders

When the frequency range or the specific date has passed, the owners and liaisons are automatically sent an email reminding them to act.

When a page is reviewed or updated

The editor:

  1. Logs in and edits the page.
  2. Reviews the page for accuracy, making any corrections needed.
  3. Scrolls to the bottom of the page and finds the Content Metadata section.
  4. Selects the Mark as reviewed checkbox.
  5. Saves the draft.
  6. Publishes the page or, for certain pages according to protocol, requests that the page be published via Website and Communications Support.

Completing these steps acknowledges that the page has been reviewed and contains accurate info. The page’s last reviewed date is updated to today, and the next review date is changed accordingly.

See only your pages

You can see a list of pages in the current website for which you are an owner or liaison:

  1. Log in.

  2. Select Content Maintenance from the Content menu in the black menu bar.

  3. Specify your name in the Content Owner or Content Liaison field.

  4. Select the Apply button.

Change or remove web maintenance settings for one page

Web editors can change or remove review/update frequencies, specific dates, owners, and liaisons in the Content Metadata section at the bottom of a page being edited.

Some pages don’t have web maintenance settings

Because they are generated by the system or maintained in other ways.

Contact us

Contact us at Website and Communications Support:

  • If you have questions about this process.

  • If a change in personnel occurs and you need to reassign a large number of pages.