Media Coverage

This page describes for web editors in the School of Pharmacy how listings of mentions in the news are handled in websites built by the Office of Communications.

On this page

What is media coverage?

A media coverage item is a listing of a mention in the news. For example, if the New York Times publishes an article that mentions one of our faculty members and we want to link to it from one or more of our sites, we’ll create a media coverage item.

For a microsite

Listings of news coverage for a microsite on can be handled like these examples:

Media coverage


Combined with news

On its own page

You can model your listings of media coverage on one of these or create your own or ask for help at Website and Communications Support.

For all other School of Pharmacy sites

The Office of Communications manages listings of media coverage that appear at the following locations:

For these sites, recent media coverage items may also appear on the site’s home page or news section. Media coverage items can be shared among these sites. For example, if a faculty member from the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry is mentioned, the media coverage item can appear on as well as

Suggest a media coverage item

Anyone can suggest a listing to be included at Website and Communications Support.