Build a Website


This page describes—for people affiliated with the School of Pharmacy—the process for:

  • building a new website
  • migrating or redesigning an existing website

that is part of the School’s web presence.

If you are an instructor in the School of Pharmacy and need a course website, contact the Integrated Core Team.

If you are not affiliated with UCSF School of Pharmacy, see UCSF Websites or ask your supervisor for website resources for you.


Why build a website with us? And what do you get?

  1. It’s free.
    The dean funds your website as a courtesy to those in the School.
  2. No server responsibilities.
    Say goodbye to administration and security patches. A team of professionals cares for the back end.
  3. It looks and feels like UC San Francisco.
    Professionally designed templates, always pretty, always functional. You can’t get the UCSF look and feel at Squarespace, Wix, or Google Sites.
  4. Publish autonomously.
    Own or delegate the ability to edit your site using a WYSIWYG web interface.
  5. We help you.
    Our small team guides you every step of the way.

Our process

For most sites:

  1. We hold a kickoff meeting to better understand your website project for you to better understand our offering and process and for us to better understand your needs.
  2. You create a draft of your content. For lab sites, use our Microsoft Office document icon Website Content Template (Microsoft Word document, 6 pages, 84 KB). Images and other media are best provided via UCSF Box.
  3. We edit your content draft for spelling, grammar, editorial style, UCSF brand guidelines, and School brand guidelines.
  4. We optimize images you provide so that they look their best.
  5. We build a draft of your website then work with you until you’re happy with it.
  6. After you sign off, it is signed off by your department, then by the Office of Communications.
  7. Your site is made live—hooray!
  8. You or your delegate receives training for editing your site, then your access to edit is granted. In some cases, such as with very small sites, we’ll handle edits for you.
  9. You or your delegate maintains the content for your site, and the Office of Communications remains available to troubleshoot any problems you encounter.

In some cases, your project might fall outside of the scope of what we provide, or your project might skip some of the steps above. We’ll let you know if that happens.


Site type



Desai Lab, Asthma Collaboratory, Savic Lab, Kroetz Lab


Medication Outcomes Center, Small Molecule Discovery Center (SMDC), TRANSPERS, UCSF-Stanford Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (CERSI)

Course, Program, Project

American Course on Drug Development and Regulatory Sciences, Developmental Mechanisms of Human Idiopathic Scoliosis, The Kidney Project, GALA I and II, Presentation Templates, Email Campaigns

Ready to build a website?

Submit your request