This page describes for web editors in the School of Pharmacy how to edit hyperlinks in a website built by the Office of Communications.
On this page
About links and anchors
A link is a hyperlink to either a different page or an anchor. An anchor is a position on a page to which a link can jump. These are the tools that enable you to control links and anchors:
Left to right: Link, Unlink, and Anchor
A link can also reveal hidden info. See Accordions.
Before adding a link
You are obligated to choose link text that makes sense out of context. For example, placing a link on “click here” will not make sense out of context. Link text that makes sense out of context is required by federal and state law and by University of California policy because it enables screen reader users to be included in—rather than excluded from—using our websites. Details:
- Video, 40 seconds: Screen reader demo: don't use 'click here' for links
- Use descriptive text for links
- Use link text that make sense when read out of context
Ensuring that your link text is descriptive also helps search engines like Google better understand your intent and can improve search engine optimization.
In some cases it will seem that you cannot avoid this requirement. When that happens, let us know at Website and Communications Support, and we’ll work with you to resolve it.
Add a link
Select the text that you want to link to a different page.
Select the Link button. A Link dialog appears with options for Link Type and Link.
Select a link type, then specify the link:
Select this link type to specify a link to then Internal path a different page on the same site in the Link field, begin typing the title of the other page in the same site. An autocomplete popup appears. Select the correct page from the list, then select OK. URL a different page on a different site specify the protocol and URL in the fields provided, then select OK. Link to anchor in the text an anchor on the current page select the anchor from the picklist that appears. E-mail an email address specify the email address in the field that appears. Optionally specify a subject or body, then select OK.
About email address links
E-mail addresses do not need to be manually hyperlinked. The system automatically creates the appropriate hyperlink.
Do not set an email address hyperlink on a name or anything other than an email address. Why? People who see a link on a name expect the link to go to a profile page. People who see a link on an email address expect the link to create a new email to that person. Setting email address links only on email addresses reinforces this web convention and reduces or eliminates frustration.
Why our email address links appear all-lowercase: Some people prefer upper camel case email addresses and these addresses still work fine because nearly all email servers treat addresses case-insensitively. But all-lowercase is more traditional, more common, easier to communicate over the phone, and easier and faster to type, especially on a mobile device. The benefits of all-lowercase far outweigh the benefits of camel case. This also provides visual case consistency, especially when many email addresses appear in the same area of a page.
Change a link
Do either of the following:
Double-click the link
OR -
Select the link or click once within the linked text, then select the Link button.
The Link dialog appears, enabling you to change its settings.
Remove a link
Select the link or click once within the linked text, then select the Unlink button. Blue linked text changes to black unlinked text to indicate that the link has been removed.
Add an anchor
Place your cursor at the desired location of the anchor.
Select the Anchor button. An Anchor Properties dialog appears.
Specify a short name for the anchor. Space characters may not be used. If a word separator is needed, use the dash character.
Select OK. A red flag icon appears at the desired location, and this icon represents the anchor.
Change an anchor
Do either of the following:
Double-click the anchor
OR -
Right-click the anchor, then select Edit Anchor.
The Anchor Properties dialog appears, enabling you to change the anchor’s name.
Remove an anchor
Right-click the anchor, then select Remove Anchor.