
This page describes for web editors in the School of Pharmacy how to work with tables in a website built by the Office of Communications.

On this page

Insert a new table

  1. Place your cursor on a new line where you’d like the table to appear.

  2. paragraph format menu showing normal selected.

    Paragraph Format menu

    Use the Paragraph Format menu to set the paragraph format to Normal.

  3. Select the table button.

  4. Complete the table properties dialog, leaving the following properties blank:

    1. border size

    2. alignment

    3. width

    4. height

    5. cell spacing

    6. cell padding

  5. Select OK.

Change an existing table

Right-click the table to change table properties or to add or remove rows or columns.


Right-click any table cell to see more options.

table properties.

You can also easily add a new row at the end of the table by placing your cursor in the last cell of the last row and pressing Tab.

In some cases changing tables breaks the table or otherwise results in something you didn’t expect. If this happens, let us know at Website and Communications Support and we’ll fix it for you.

Remove a table

Right-click the table, then select Delete Table. Or, for a touchscreen device, select the entire table, then press Delete or Backspace.

Format tables using stylesheet classes

Table styles enable you to control a table’s appearance. Specify one or more table style class names in the Stylesheet Classes field on the advanced table properties dialog. To use more than one style class name, separate them with a space character.


Stylesheet class name




use this to force all links within the table to be block-level elements that take up the full width of their column

Admissions, Honors and Awards, Spring Research Seminar


specifies that the first column is 7% of the width of the table

Update from the Dean - February 2003


specifies that the first column is 12% of the width of the table



specifies that the first column is 25% of the width of the table

Update from the Dean - February 2003


specifies that the first column is 45% of the width of the table

Verifying Your Prerequisite Course Work


specifies that the second column is 10% of the width of the table

Verifying Your Prerequisite Course Work


specifies that the second column is 25% of the width of the table



specifies that the third column is 30% of the width of the table

Speaker Series


specifies that the third column is 45% of the width of the table

Verifying Your Prerequisite Course Work


makes certain tables more legible at small browser widths

Our Students


used for tables showing headshots in column 1 and text in one or more columns following

Pharmchem Contact Us, Guo Lab Contact Us


makes all columns equal width


removes the light gray horizontal lines between table rows

Admissions, Honors and Awards, Spring Research Seminar

hide-row-highlight prevents a row highlight color from appearing while hovering the pointer over the row  


good for times like 8:00 am in the first column


  • image-columns-2
  • image-columns-3
  • image-left
  • image-right
  • replaces the deprecated class names people and people2018
  • use image-columns-2 image-left to specify a 2-column table of people info with headshots in the left column
  • use image-columns-2 image-right to specify a 2-column table of people info with headshots in the right column
  • use image-columns-3 image-left to specify a 3-column table of people info with headshots in the left column
  • use image-columns-3 image-right to specify a 3-column table of people info with headshots in the right column
  • using image-columns-3 automatically implements print1col because these 3-column tables won't fit well in our default 2-column print layouts


good for dates like Jan 26 in the first column

Admissions, Info for Entering Students


when you don’t want the table to take the full width of its column, note: when you use this class name, you must also not use the class name called equal

Admissions, Bowl of Hygeia Award


when the page is printed, this forces it to one column rather than the default of two columns

CERSI Research


reduces table padding for tables that are otherwise too tight to fit with normal padding

Facts and Figures

Can’t get a table to look perfect? Contact us at Website and Communications Support.